
  • All datasets have been restructured and are more ‘tidy’. Old datasets were the same as sysdata. Also, if users have the tibble package loaded, the datasets will return tibbles.


  • Added pkgdown support.
  • Fixes bug where eco_guess only guessed unique values of x, this meant a user with duplicates would have issues assigning x to a data.frame as their lengths would differ.
  • Added threshold for guessing in eco_run_all, 0.8 is the default value.
  • Converted message to warning in eco_guess when x vector is coerced from factor to character.
  • Added warnings to eco_run_all for cases where n > 1 or n < 0. If this happens, n defaults to 0.8.
  • Added tests for warnings where threshold doesn’t make sense and where factors converted to character.
  • Modified eco_guess to make it faster. This function takes a vector, converts it to a data.table, and does all the matching on unique values only. Then joins the missing field to the original (non unique) data.table and returns a vector containing values for the missing field.
  • The utility function extract_data now preserves the original rownames as a column rn using the keep.rownames = TRUE argument in This allows users to join additional variables back to the benefits dataframe. Especially important given this type of data is usually spatial. There is still the issue of reading data as the fread function isn’t preserving rownames. Will come back to that at some point.
  • Added Vignettes.
  • Added first vignette, getting started article.
  • Using RMarkdown to generate
  • Added unit parameter for rare cases where user data measures DBH in centimeters instead of inches.


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.